Please follow these instructions to post scores. Only the home team reports the score. Scores should be reported within 24 hours.
1) Click on the Post Games Scores link on the left side of the website.
2) Enter your email address. If you are having trouble logging in it is usually because you are not using the same email address that you used to register as a coach.
3) Enter your password – each division has a distinct passcode.
Pony Division – 16436
Cal Ripken Division – 16424
Inland NW Draft Division – 16366
4) You will see your team name listed and your home games. Click the team link and enter the score and check the box that the game has been completed. If you don’t click the box it won’t show up.
5) Please be sure to enter the correct score in the boxes – it will automatically update the standings. Please update timely so we can avoid emails from parents and coaches.
Spokane Indians Youth Baseball Handbook and National Rules
SIYB Coaches Handbook – Updated 6/5. Please email with questions.
SIYB Coach Pitch and Tee Ball Rules Matrix
SIYB 2014 Player Pitch Rules Matrix
SIYB 2014 14/15U Rules Matrix – updated 6/6
National Rule Book – Pony
National Rule Book – Babe Ruth coming soon
Insurance Forms with Additional Insured
Below is the link to the 201 Certificate of Liability form. Coaches are authorized to print this to provide proof of insurance for gym rental and practice field reservations. If you need a different additional insured added please e-mail the name and address to . Scroll down to find the additional insured you need.
2014 Additional Insured Updated 1/12/2014
2014 How to fill out your claim form
Sponsorship Forms
Here is a form for you to send to prospective sponsors. Have them send in this form with their check.
Please note, Spokane Indians Youth Baseball will issue a check back to the head coach for sponsor or donation checks recieved. We will not apply the money to your team registrations, tournament registrations or individual player dues.
Sponsor form Updated 2/19/2013
Parent Code of Conduct
For 2014 the league will be requiring all parents to sign a Parent Code of Conduct. Coaches will be required to carry the signed documents with them throughout the season.
Any questions please e-mail us at
Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Award
Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Pin award – to be awarded by the opposing team to the player that most exemplifies the following characteristics:
- Abides by the rules of the game
- Plays fair and hard
- Follows the directions of the coach
- Shows respect for the other team and their effort
- Offers encouragement to teammates and is a leader
- Shows respect for the umpires judgment calls
- Ends the game smoothly – shows class in victory and defeat
- This award will be given out at home plate at the end of every game. The goal is to end every game in a positive fashion and to give a player an opportunity to be recognized for outstanding behavior.
- We recommend that your team appoint a group of 2-3 coaches/parents to look for the 7 sportsmanship qualities above.
- For the Babe Ruth and Pony divisions the coaches packet will include 16pins. For the Inland Northwest Draft division the coaches will receive 14 pins. You will receive your City Championship Pins in your packet prior to the tournament.
- At the end of the season the player from each team that receives the most pins will be invited to a special Sportsmanship Recognition Night at a Spokane Indians game. Players will receive two tickets to the game. All players will go out on the field before the game and one player will throw out the first pitch.
- Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.
- Develop a strong urge for sportsman-like conduct.
- Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.
- Develop control over emotions and speech.
- Develop spirit of cooperation and team play.
- Develop into real, true CITIZENS.
- Babe Ruth adds: Develop understanding of and respect for the RULES.